Monday, February 8, 2010

汉语2 - 我的生日

大家好,我来介绍一下: 我姓黎,叫黎福维。 新加坡朋友叫我 “阿维” “Darren Lee”我属马, 我的生日是一月十一号, 所以上个月我有二十岁的生日聚会。

我的生日当然很有意思!!!我请了十一好朋友, 然后有十五个人来, 非常高兴! 我们在 PGP (新加坡国立大学的宿舍) 吃了很多东西: 蛋糕和烤鸭, 还有烤。啊, 我们喝可口可乐! 学生应该喝可乐,该 喝酒。 我对不对?然后一个朋友, 士 元, 牌。不过我觉得牌不好,所以我们没有牌。我们也去了一家很有名的日本商场Takashimaya买东西。

我朋友买很多礼物给我。明 给我一本本子,小 兰 给我三本英语书,阮雄 给我一本中文书。 这本中文书很有意思。啊,明,小 兰 和阮雄 都是我的朋友, 也是国大的学生。

听说我好朋友的生日是二月十四号, 也是今年的节。 他说 :“那天我门当然再来吃蛋糕。你们一定要参加我的生日聚会”。



Hi everybody! Let me introduce myself a bit: my surname is Li, called Li Fu Wei. My Singaporean friends call me “Ah Wei” or “Darren Lee”. I was born in the year of Horse, Jan 11th 1990. Accordingly, last month I had a 20th birthday party.

My evening party was certainly interesting!!! At first, I invited 11 guys, but finally there were even 15 friends coming, I was surely so happy. We held it at PGP (a residence of NUS) to eat so much Western food: cake, roasted duck as well as roasted meat. Ah, we also drunk Cocacola! Students should drink coke instead of alcohol. Am I right? Then one of my friend, Shi Yuan, wanted to play cards. However, playing cards is not good, I don’t want to play that. As a result, we went to Takashimaya, a Japanese famous shopping mall for buying something.

My friends gave me so many gifts. Ying Ming gave me a notebook, Xiao Lan bought me 3 English books and Ruan Xiong gave me a Chinese book. This book is definitely interesting! Ah, Ying Ming, Xiao Lan and Ruan Xiong are all my friends, who are also NUS students.

I’ve heard that my close friend’s birthday is Feb 14th , that day is also Chinese New Year. He said “On that day we will enjoy another cake and you guys have to come to my party”



[wǎnhuì] : evening party

[kǎo ròu]: roasted meat

可口可乐[kě kǒu kě lè] : Cocacola

应该[yīnggāi] : should, ought to

[bùgāi] : should not

然后[ránhòu] : then, after that

牌[wán pái] : play card

不过[bùguò]: otherwise

礼物[lǐwù] : gift

听说[tīngshuō] : to be told that

[Chūnjié] : Chinese/Lunar new year

[gěi] : to/for/for the benefit of